Carl is a playable Hero Character in The Walking Dead: No Man's Land. Carl is unlocked only through acquiring 500 of his specific Hero tokens. When unlocked, he starts at 4 stars.
He is of the Shooter class and has the Hero Leader trait of Second Chance. He also has Marksman, Lucky, Sure Shot and Iron Skin.
Everybody can't be bad
Leader Trait — Second Chance[]
The first time he would be killed by an attack, Carl has a {0}% chance to survive each attack until his next turn. As a leader, each member of your team gains this bonus.
Level | Second Chance |
1 | 30% |
2 | 50% |
3 | 55% |
4 | 58% |
5 | 61% |
6 | 64% |
7 | 67% |
8 | 71% |
9 | 75% |
10 | 80% |
How Carl's LT works[]
Whenever a hit would kill Carl, a roll is made for his leader trait (including Lucky modifiers). If the roll is successful, a “Second chance” popup will show up, and he will take no damage from the hit. Note that Second Chance is active during one complete round, so during both your own and the opponent's turn. Thereafter, the LT is spent and he can be killed as normal.
Recommended Traits & Badges[]
As a shooter with a defensive LT, Carl works best in a defensive role.
- Recommended traits: Bullet Dodge, Retaliate, Lucky, Critical Aim or Revenge.
- Recommended badges: Damage + Critical Damage. Note that badges do not work for defenders either in Outpost or GW, so he might as well have offensive badges for the rare times he is the weekly Star Hero.
How to use Carl[]
Carl's LT activates only when things are going seriously sideways, so his main role has been as an Outpost or GW PvP defender, and his most common role is probably as leader of the Outpost defense team. However, many players will nowadays use Ezekiel as the Outpost defender due to his pretaliation LT, which basically puts Carl on the bench completely.