The Walking Dead: No Man's Land Wiki
The Walking Dead: No Man's Land Wiki

Governor is a playable Hero Character in The Walking Dead: No Man's Land. Governor is unlocked only through acquiring 250 of his specific Hero tokens. When unlocked, he starts at 3 stars.

He is of the Assault class and has the Hero Leader trait of Only The Best. He also has Marksman, Sure Shot, Iron Skin and Lucky.

Keep poking the bear, and you're bound to get mauled

Leader Trait — Only The Best[]

Ui Icon Trait LeaderBuffOnlyTheBest

When the Governor is the leader of your team, the amount of Supplies or XP, and the chance of receiving higher-level equipment from crates after a mission is increased by {0}%. When not a leader, this trait has no effect.

Level + Better Rewards
1 10%
2 12%
3 15%
4 18%
5 21%
6 24%
7 27%
8 30%
9 33%
10 37%

How to use Governor[]

Governor is a very classic farming Hero, as his Leader Trait increases the rewards from post-mission crates. That is, if you normally would get 10,000 XP from a post-mission crate, with Governor in lead and at LT lvl 6 you would instead get 12,400 XP. Note that unlike all other Heroes, Governor's Leader Trait only works when he is the team leader and as a team member his trait is wasted.

It is a good idea to unlock Governor as soon as possible, but don't spend too much reaources on him - only so much that he manages in Scavenge missions.The most effective way to use Governor is to buy a gas booster and then run Scavenge missions as fast as possible.

In this role you can consider a mixed badging, with 3 Damage badges and 2-3 DR Badges and 0-1 Health badges. It very much depends on his level compared to the mission difficulty.
