The Walking Dead: No Man's Land Wiki
The Walking Dead: No Man's Land Wiki

Jesus is a playable Hero Character in The Walking Dead: No Man's Land. Jesus is unlocked only through acquiring 60 of his specific Hero tokens. When unlocked, he starts at 2 stars.

He is of the Warrior class and has the Hero Leader trait of Hand-to-Hand. He also has Power Strike, Retaliate, Lucky and Bullet Dodge.

Your world’s about to get a whole lot bigger

Leader Trait — Hand-to-Hand[]

Ui Icon Trait LeaderBuffMeleeDamage

Jesus's total Health is increased by {1}%, and his total damage is increased by {0}%.

As a leader, Bruisers, Scouts, and Warriors gain this bonus.

Level + Total Damage + Total Health
1 12% 6%
2 14% 7%
3 16% 8%
4 18% 9%
5 20% 10%
6 22% 11%
7 24% 12%
8 26% 13%
9 28% 14%
10 30% 15%