The Walking Dead: No Man's Land Wiki
The Walking Dead: No Man's Land Wiki

Riot Gear Glenn is a playable Hero Character in The Walking Dead: No Man's Land. Riot Gear Glenn is unlocked only through acquiring 250 of his specific Hero tokens. When unlocked, he starts at 3 stars.

He is of the Bruiser class and has the Hero Leader trait of Ready For Action. He also has Retaliate, Strong, Iron Skin and Punish.

You honor the dead by going on, even when you’re scared. You live because they don’t get to.

Leader Trait — Ready For Action[]

Ui Icon Trait LeaderBuffReadyForAction

Glenn has a {0}% chance to gain some or all Charge Points at the start of each mission. As a leader, all members of the team gain this bonus.

Level Charge Point Chance
1 35%
2 40%
3 45%
4 50%
5 55%
6 60%
7 70%
8 80%
9 90%
10 95%

How RGG's LT works[]

At the start of the mission, RGG (or each team member if he is the leader) gets one or several charge points. A roll is made for every possible charge point, and while it is not mentioned explicitly in the trait description, only the first roll is boosted by Lucky. This means you need a high level of his trait, especially to get 3 charge points. The Lucky trait only has a small impact on his trait, and will be of very little use once you get his LT to high levels.


Example: RGG has LT at level 7 (70%) and he has 60% lucky (20% from lucky trait, 20% from gold lucky on weapon, and 20% from gold lucky on infused armor). As a bruiser, he requires 2 charge points to get fully charged. The first roll is influenced by lucky, so there is a 70% * 1.6 = 100% chance of getting the first charge point. The second roll is not influenced by lucky, so the chance for the second charge point is 70%, and in total, therefore 100% * 70% = 70%. An assault with the same amount of Lucky would have 100% * 70% * 70% = 49% to get fully charged.

Recommended Traits & Badges[]

As a bruiser, Riot Gear Glenn works best in a defensive role. Bruisers do so little damage that offensive traits and badges will only bump the damage by small amounts. The current meta of the game is based on not getting hit in the first place, so earlier popular traits such as Dodge and Retaliate are not recommended anymore.

  • Recommended traits: Weakening, Perseverance, Punish & Lucky.
  • Recommended badges: DR + Health Badges.

How to use RGG[]

RGG's Leader Trait is very specific, and works best on maps where an initial charge of the team allows you to finish the map. This might be Search for Clues or Go to Exit types of maps, with slow spawns, where a quick initial killing / stunning of walkers allow you to quickly reach the exit. Another use is in the Distance, where you can use RGG to get the team charged when entering the map. If you need a specific hero to get charged, you can even enter the map with RGG in lead, the hero to get charged (with the support Cat equipped) and a pawn. The flee immediately and sacrifice the pawn.

RGG is of very limited use in the current meta, as you usually would use the Star Hero in lead on Challenge maps, and there are many other ways of getting charged apart from killing walkers. All this means RGG would mostly be useful for developing players, but as RGG's LT requires it to be of a high level to reliably work, it means he's not very useful in any situation.

Some players like to use RGG as the leader on GW PvP maps, but this is a poor strategy and should be avoided. Getting a quick charge attack is of very limited value in GW PvP, and there are other Heroes much better suited for the task, like Eugene, Negan or Guardian Carol.
