The Walking Dead: No Man's Land Wiki
The Walking Dead: No Man's Land Wiki

Sasha is a playable Hero Character in The Walking Dead: No Man's Land. Sasha is unlocked only through acquiring 120 of her specific Hero tokens. When unlocked, she starts at 2 stars.

She is of the Hunter class and has the Hero Leader trait of Good Out Of Bad. She also has Marksman, Iron Skin, Vigilant and Sure Shot.

I don’t believe in magic or luck. I do the math and I don’t gamble.

Leader Trait — Good Out Of Bad[]

Ui Icon Trait LeaderBuffGoodOutOfBad

Sasha has a {0}% chance to gain a Charge Point after making an attack that results in a Body Shot. As a leader, each member of your team gains this bonus.

Level Charge Point Chance
1 20%
2 23%
3 26%
4 29%
5 32%
6 35%
7 38%
8 41%
9 44%
10 47%

How to use Sasha[]

Sasha has long been regarded one of the best Heroes in the game to use in the Leader position, as she is one of few heroes able to charge ranged survivors. However, new Heroes such as Connie have similar abilities so Sasha's role has decreased lately.

Sasha works best in a normal offensive role, so all of her traits except Marksman should be rereolled to Critical Aim, Lucky and Ruthless. She should be badged with 3 Damage and 3 Critical Damage badges.

Sasha's Leader Trait "Good Out of Bad"[]

Sasha's Leader Trait gives her a chance to get a charge point for each body shot she makes. Body Shots are guaranteed against walkers at ASL +5, so it will have no effect against low-level walkers. The chance is amplified by lucky so is fairly high at higher levels, and as you get one roll for each enemy hit it means it generally makes sense to try to hit many walkers in order to improve your chances of getting charged.

Sasha is usually paired with Yumiko, to get another shot away, further improving the chances of getting charged. The third team member will then be an assault, to allow good crowd control, which is needed due to the large amount of threat created. Mercer gives the highest damage and is preferred, but if you have trouble getting Mercer charged it can make sense to use Princess instead, as she also has a Leader Trait allowing her another possibility of getting charged. Also be sure to equip armors with the Primed trait to give another chance of getting charge points on overwatch. The acronyms SMY (Sasha Mercer Yumiko) and SPY (Sasha Princess Yumiko) are often used in the community to describe this team.

Sasha is not as good as the leader of a melee team, as melee survivors have plenty of opportunities getting charged in other ways (like Weakening & Perseverance), and melee survivors also have less chances of hitting many targets.

Similarly, Sasha is seldom used in the team member role, as she can't deal huge amounts of damage. Sasha is also not in any Last Stand roster, which means she currently is mainly used in Guild Wars and the Distance.

The picture below shows two examples of the chance of getting a certain amount of charge points, depending on the level of her LT and the amount of Lucky, based on the amount of walkers hit.


There are no known bugs with Sasha's LT.
