The Walking Dead: No Man's Land Wiki
The Walking Dead: No Man's Land Wiki

Sniper Morgan is a playable Hero Character in The Walking Dead: No Man's Land. Sniper Morgan is unlocked only through acquiring 250 of his specific Hero tokens. When unlocked, he starts at 3 stars.

He is of the Hunter class and has the Hero Leader trait of Perceptive. He also has Ruthless, Sure Shot, Vigilant and Revenge.

You save people, I watch them die. I have to, I'm supposed to.

Leader Trait — Perceptive[]

Ui Icon Trait LeaderBuffPerceptive

Morgan's attacks made during enemy turns deal +{0}% total damage. As a leader, all team members gain this bonus.

Level + Total Damage
1 35%
2 40%
3 45%
4 50%
5 55%
6 60%
7 70%
8 80%
9 90%
10 95%

How to use Sniper Morgan[]

Sniper Morgan has the unfortunate role that he has a purely defensive Leader Trait, but he's still not a great PvP defender. Both Guardian Carol and Shane are better PvP defenders, so quite often SMorgan will not have any role in the game.

Sniper Morgan's LT increases his damage on the opponent's turn, so it makes sense to give him both Revenge and Retaliate in order to maximize the amount of shots he can get on the opponent turn. Add in Critical Aim and Bullet Dodge as best traits for PvP defender in Guild Wars.
