Based on FuriousMoldovan's NML Glossary.
I see a lot of people asking about acronyms commonly used among NML players on forums and chat apps.
Search haven't yielded fruitful results, so I decided to put it all in one place. Hope it's helpful!
Critique, additions, and editions are welcome! Cheers!
>>> NML Glossary <<<
- Brosita, Frosita - Fighter Rosita (bruiser)
- GCarol, GC - Guardian Carol (hunter)
- CMY- Connie, Mercer, Yumiko team
- HDaryl, HD - Huntsman Daryl (scout)
- HMaggie, Haggie, HTM - Hilltop Maggie (shooter)
- ONegan - Outlaw Negan (scout)
- PGG - Pizza Guy Glenn (scout)
- RGG - Riot Gear Glenn (bruiser)
- SMorgan - Sniper Morgan (hunter)
- SRick, SR - Survivalist Rick (scout)
- ShPY: Star Hero, Princess, Yumiko
- SPY - Sasha, Princess, Yumiko team
- SMY - Sasha, Mercer, Yumiko team
- Yum, Yumi, Y - Yumiko (shooter)
- Zeke - Ezekiel (warrior)
- CAR - Commonwealth Assault Rifle
- CE - Crescent Edge (scout).
- DAR - Daryl's Assault Rifle (assault, rooting).
- DK - Daryl's Knife (scout).
- DCM, DEC - Decimator (assault).
- DT - Dragon's Tongue (warrior) or Devil's Torch (hunter).
- Dozer - Bulldozer Shotgun (assault).
- GAR - Golden Assault Rifle (assault).
- GIR - Golden Incendiary Rifle (hunter).
- MS - Morning Star (warrior).
- RPG - Devil's Torch (hunter).
- CA - Critical Aim survivor trait (rarely used as Critical Attack).
- CC - Critical Chance.
- CD - Critical Damage.
- DR - Damage Reduction (or Damage Resistance).
- DS - Defensive Stance.
- FT - Follow-Through.
- HS - Hazard Suit.
- IS - Iron Skin.
- LT - Leader Trait.
- MM - Marksman.
- PS - Power Strike.
- PSV - Perseverance.
- SS - Sure Shot (survivor trait) or Swift Strike (weapon trait).
- SR - Stun Resistance.
- TG - Trade Goods (rarely used as Training Gear armor trait).
- TR - Threat Reduction.
Mission Types (specifically in Guild Wars):[]
- GTE - Go To Exit.
- KAW, KAZ - Kill All Walkers.
- KTTW - Kill The Tough Walker.
- KWAE, KWE - Kill Walkers And Exit.
- SFC - Search For Clues.
- ASL - Actual Survivor Level (This is survor level + amount of pink stars + 1 if it's a Hero)
- BM - Black Market.
- BS - Body Shots.
- CL - Council Level.
- GW - Guild War.
- LB - Leaderboard.
- LLS - Low Level Survivors.
- LS - Last Stand.
- MM - Master Mission (challenge).
- PB - Personal Best.
- RP - Reward Points (GW) or Round Pass (Challenge).
- RSL - Recommended Survivor Level.
- VP - Victory Points.
Guild Wars Definitions:[]
- MH - Metalheads (type of walkers).
- Island - consists of 3 connected sectors (1ABC, 2ABC, etc.).
- Sector - consists of 8 or 12 combined individual missions (1A, 2B, 3C, 17D, etc.).
- PvP - Player vs Player (i.e. missions against freemen/raiders, GW defenders).
- PvZ, PvE - Player vs Zombie (missions against walkers).
- AP - Action Point.
- BP - Building Points.
- CM - Community Manager, currently @Jeroen from Deca
- D, DMG - Damage.
- Deca - Current owner and developer of the game.
- H, HP - Health Points.
- XP - Experience Points.
- F2P, FTP, F2W - Free to Play (or Free to Win).
- P2P, PTP, P2W - Pay to Play (or Pay to Win).
- NG - Next Games, the original developer of the game.
- NML - No Man's Land.
- NPC - Non-Player Character.
- JSS - Just Survive Somehow.
Thanks for contributions:
@Steeboon @Jubjab @NatsuDark @relb67 @JayZ @ATLAS-Z